In performing their duties, security forces must continue to prioritize discipline, assertion, and professionalism. That was delivered by the Rector of the University of Widya Kartika (Uwika) Dr. Ir. Gembong Baskoro, M.Sc., in the Handover Ceremony (sertijab) Uwika Security Unit Coordinator. The event was held on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 on the hall, 4th floor, campus building in Jalan Sutorejo Prima Utara North II / 1 Surabaya.
Professionalism may include asset protection duties, Uwika academic members, guests, including luggage, as well as securing VIPs. “To increase awareness, the security forces should be routinely practicing. Start with small things, such as morning ceremony, up to standard procedures and safety precautions over a potential disruption, “he said.
Thus, the university will conduct safety and rescue training intensively for security guards. So, if at any time it is required, the personnel will be ready to assist the emergency response. It will be realized through the unit Human Resources Development Organization (HROD).
Although demanded to have full alertness, security forces must remain firm and polite in the line of duty. “Must be discipline and have the courtesy to the leader, faculty, staff, students, and guests. Every single thing must be carried out rigorously and must be measurable, “he continued.
Related to the rotation within an organization, the Rector mentioned it as a normal thing. The policy is a form of refreshment and coaching career. In addition, the placement of the new position is one way to meet the tour of the area. Hopefully, personnel can prepare themselves for the next assignments better.
In this procession which was held for the first time, the Head of Security of Uwika officially changed hands. The former official who was Agung Suprayitno was replaced by Januri. This was in accordance with the Rector’s Decree No. 083/UWIKA/R/XII/2012 for a period of one year to the future. “Furthermore, the assignment will be carried over each year, or a maximum of two years,” he explained.
Rector hopes this handover tradition could be continued to be implemented in the future, besides in forming the best standard in hoisting and lowering the National Flag ceremony. “I want to thank to the previous officers, and congratulations to the new officers on duty,” he added.